Breonna B

Breonna B
Breonna was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She is recently married to Tyrone, a graphic designer. They currently reside on the West Side of this great city. A big fan of movies, books, photography, and Starbucks, she currently finds herself knee-deep in the throes of being a mommy to Addy {Feb 2011}. Breonna spends the typical 9-5 doing yadda yadda yadda at her job {yes, it’s that nondescript and uninteresting}. She started blogging as a way to do movie reviews, but that gave way to pregnancy blogging. She eventually landed her own space of the internet on BreWrites as well as on Twitter and Instagram {@brewrites} where she talks about everything from the sassiness of her child, to the most recent concert tickets she got her hands on, to the occasional piece of short fiction.

Is College for Us?

While we start to think about where we might be considering possibly sending Addy to Pre-K {can you tell I'm not ready?}, I actually find myself thinking about her going to college more. Way...

Sometimes You Need a Good Cry

There's a quote on a Pinterest pin I always see.  Something about salt curing everything... The cure for anything is salt water :: sweat, tears, or the sea. - Isak Dinesen That really sounds good and...

You Might Be a Mom If…

When I was younger, I would think my mom was always a little…distracted.  I’d ask her questions, and she would zone out.  She’d call stores by the wrong name.  Forget the name of popular...

Before 8am {Breonna}

“Life is an adventure, and there is no script. I see something in ordinary moments. I believe that perfection comes not when you are dressed perfectly and wearing lipstick – but in little moments...

I’m Raising a Tiny Feminist

I’m raising a tiny feminist. You should be too. Excuse me while I grab my soapbox and yell for the internet to read. "Feminist" is not a bad word. For some of you, this may not be anything...

Sassy Pants

Not long ago, I wished I could understand my child's babbling.  Like it would be a little easier to make it through dinner time, or put her down for a nap, or keep her...

Treat Yo Self

I feel like I've been burnt out for months now.  Maybe because I had to “plan” a wedding {truth be told, I did very little}.  Or maybe because we were potty training.  It wasn’t fun...

Say What To the Dress

I interrupt your holiday planning to talk about weddings.  I know, right?!  So random.  But I need a Black Friday/Cyber Monday/why can't I find that Frozen castle in the city of Houston break. To give...

Who Cares About Your Holidays?

When I was pregnant, I fell in love with these Aidan & Anais swaddle blankets.  They’re muslin and soft and beautiful and absolutely necessary.  So I registered for them and used a gift card...

Get to Know Your DSLR :: Lenses

Now that you have all been practicing your aperture settings, let’s talk about lenses.  {Okay, well you’ve at least read the post, right???} Prime Lenses A prime lens is set at one focal length and you...