
Read about motherhood from Houston Moms Blog!

Shortly after my mom died, I found myself in a bookstore on the self help aisle looking for answers.  It was there I first saw the word "motherless."  I remember it stinging.  I remember feeling a little bit of...
Let's start with a universal truth :: PEOPLE SAY DUMB THINGS. We all know it. Especially as moms. We have all received the comments that made our jaw drop, or stirred up our angry mama bear, or made us...
As a mother, I am the number one influence on my daughter's body image. Not the un-read fashion magazines spilling out of the basket next to our couch. Not the scantily clad models plastered on the windows of the...
Pick up time at Mother's Day out is crazy. Parents are rushing around, carrying multiple bags, and many wrangling multiple kids. You have art projects {some with still wet paint}, lunch sacks, nap mats, diaper bags... You get the...
 “Life is an adventure, and there is no script. I see something in ordinary moments. I believe that perfection comes not when you are dressed perfectly and wearing lipstick – but in little moments and interactions that make up...
Ever since I returned to work from maternity leave with Skeeter, the comments started. "When are you having another?"  I actually don't mind innocent questions - the ones from dear friends or family or from those who don't know...
I've mentioned before that several of my friends are expecting their first babies right now.  I'm certainly no expert, as I've only done this once, but I still feel like it's my duty to share with them {only when...
The following was typed on the Notes App this past New Year's Eve as I rocked my youngest to sleep. If my future Momma self could talk to my current Momma self... Maybe she would tell me to take a deep...
“Life is an adventure, and there is no script. I see something in ordinary moments. I believe that perfection comes not when you are dressed perfectly and wearing lipstick – but in little moments and interactions that make up...
"Please just be kind." These are words that I repeat to my 4 1/2 year old twins virtually every day, multiple times a day. Oftentimes I wonder if I am getting through to them at all since it seems to fall...



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