Hannah B

Hannah B
A native Houstonian, Hannah adores everything about her home town…except for the humidity. So when she married Aaron in July 2008, an indoor wedding was necessary to protect this ginger from the frizz of summer. After 8 years of marriage, 4 of those battling through infertility, they welcomed twins Cason and Grace into their family through the miracle of adoption in December 2013. A graduate of the University of Houston with a degree in theatre and a creative writing minor, creating runs deep in Hannah’s veins. Her goal is to live a fearless life where she works hard creating projects and ideas that make their home in her wild imagination. She loves making videos for her YouTube Channel, taking photos and writing for her blog Everything Sunny Always, and creating digital artwork. When she’s not creating, you can find Hannah at any local coffee shop fueling her adoration for a gourmet cup of joe or stuck in traffic on the Houston freeways belting Adele or practicing her future Emmy speech.

Photo Tips for Capturing Holiday Memories

I’ve worked in the photography industry for almost six years in several different capacities - as a photographer myself or in production for a major studio. I'm passionate about memory-keeping, especially through the art...

10 Thanksgiving Tradition Ideas

My husband and I are of the sappy and sentimental sort. When we got married, we were intentionally determined to begin establishing our own family traditions because, ey, we were a family now! It...

I’m Not Offended

November is National Adoption Awareness month. I’m sentimental about this month since two years ago on November 1st, we told the world that we were adopting. And only two short months later, our precious...

The End of Bullying Begins with Me

Photo Credit I haven’t always been the self-confident ginger I am today. It took years - many, many awkward years - to peel away the self-loathing in order to arrive at acceptance and self-love. Not...

When Adults Act Like Toddlers {VIDEO}

We were in Target to pick up a few items, and my 21 month-old daughter began S.C.R.E.A.M.I.N.G when I wouldn't give her a sip of my espresso even though she had a delicious Icee...

Tethering My Toddlers

I’ve decided that, as a mom, I’m no longer going to say... “I’m never going to do THAT.” Because on several occasions, I’ve eaten my own words. For instance... I’m never going to feed my kid...

Our First “Family Day”

On August 1st of this year, my family celebrated our first anniversary. A year before, my husband and I stood in court with our twin babies, and a judge declared our kids officially and...

A Letter To an Adoptive Mama

Dear Adoptive Mom, First off, congratulations! Whether you've just made the decision to adopt, have a match, or are already mothering your precious one, I want to congratulate you on being a mom. You were...

Tips for Keeping Your Momsanity

I’m an organized, functioning adult...most of the time. And I want to be that person all the time. The reality of that? Doesn’t always happen. Okay...I’d say 40% of the time doesn’t happen. Why?...

How To Ask Someone To Marry You

Well kids, I'm continuing from my last story telling you how your dad and I met. It seems that, after reading that post, a lot of people were urging me to tell you the...