December is a month filled with colder temperatures, elaborate lighting displays, and lots of cooking and baking. While these are all positive, wonderful additions to the holiday season, they also require a significant amount of electricity. In order to save you...
Hurricane Harvey floods may have caused us to tweak a few of our traditions, but a bit of holiday spirit and creativity can fix any situation. Here are 5 holiday traditions I've started that are toddler-friendly that we can enjoy...
Sundown December 12th marks the beginning of Eight Crazy Nights or as we call it, Chanukah.  For those who might not know, Chanukah is a Jewish holiday in which we remember when the Macabees fought against persecution from the Greeks, and after the battle...
I love seeing all of the beautiful holiday wreaths at the craft stores but I do not like their price tag at all. Being the self-proclaimed Pinterest Queen that I am, I found that you can make your own...
I hate to sound all first-world here, but sometimes too many toys during the holidays can be a problem.  We really try to focus Christmas on the birth of Jesus, so the overload of toys can seriously distract from that....
We don’t have to tell you, 2017 has been a roller coaster year for the people of Houston. But as we close out the year, we were given the most perfect gift. Snow... 'Twas the night before the big Houston...
The whole family packed in the car ... everyone "ooh-ing and aah-ing" and arguing over which house had the best lights ... and then coming home and deciding next year we'll up our game {or maybe not}... For many of...
First things first, if you don't yet have an Elf on the Shelf, DON'T GET ONE. Run the other direction. It starts out fun and then becomes a nightmare of your own creation. It is especially bad if you...
Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for deals. I LOVE to save money. But brave Black Friday as a mom? NOPE. This is one day you won't see me pushing my way through the crowds. So here’s a list...
It's that time of year again...  The time when we focus on our friends and families, soak up sweet traditions, and of course – do tons of holiday shopping for everyone we hold dear.  So for the THIRD year...



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