As so many of you, I am struggling to keep things new and exciting for my kids these days. Not that I'm looking to add cruise director to my growing list of job titles these days, but it's always...
We are in the midst of history during this quarantine. Sometimes it is hard to see the historical significance of what is going on in our world, but with something as significant as the COVID-19 quarantine we know that...
When I moved to Katy a few years back, I was in desperate need of moms to connect with. I looked into playgroups in the area, fun events that would give moms the rare opportunity to talk, anything to...
During this weird homeschool, stay at home, quarantine time, educational apps and websites are very important to keep the kids busy. We have compiled the best list of apps you can download on your kids' devices, which makes you...
Let’s face it: the absence of routines and predictability is the epitome of scary for kids {and if we’re really being honest, all of us}. Since our last Book Club book was all about parenting secure kids, I've had these...
It's not easy being stuck at home with younger kids. We've got you covered with some quick, easy at-home activities for younger kids to help get you through this time. What a crazy last few weeks this has been,...
With schools all over the city closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, I’ve found myself, both as a teacher and a mom, trying to explain to my child about what’s going on. I’m not one to sugarcoat most things,...
Well, it's been a week y'all, am I right? I'm not sure what was harder to hear - that the COVID-19 virus officially reached pandemic status, or that nearly all the school districts in the city of Houston would...
Contributor, Jennifer H, recently took a tour at Préscolaire The Woodlands and is sharing how cool that preschool is to encourage others to take tours.
"Having a two-year-old is like having a blender that you don't have the top for." --Jerry Seinfield Yessssssss! Absolutely true. My youngest is very sweet, affectionate, and an overall good listener. Did I luck out and get to skip those...



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